Algal Bio Co., Ltd.

  • President and CEO:
    Amane Kimura



Unlocking algae’s potential for a better future

AlgallBio was established in 2018 based on the outcomes of 20 years of research at the University of Tokyo. It is an algae biofoundry that, based on its proprietary breeding, cultivation, and functional component extraction technologies, efficiently produces fatty acids and carotenoids, applying them to various fields such as food, medicine, and energy.



Based on the results of over 20 years of algae bio research by Professor Emeritus Shigeyuki Kawano of the University of Tokyo, Dr. Takeshi Takeshita of the Kawano Laboratory founded the company in March 2018.


Based on intellectual properties related to the generation, cultivation, and induction of functional components of a diverse range of algae strains, the Company aims to build the world's first algae biofoundry targeting global customer companies in the three sectors of energy, food, and health.

UTEC’s value add

As a lead investor from the founding, carried out financing through Series B and beyond. Providing support in the recruitment of executive management, the formulation of business strategies, and fundraising efforts.
  • Algal Bio‘s proprietary techniques enables the company to produce “Nanairo Chlorella” ("Seven-Colored Chlorella") which changes color corresponding to the carotenoids and long-chain fatty acids present

  • A typical algal body (left)
    A super oil-producing algal body (right)

  • Mass-cultivation using a thin-layer light bioreactor