OPALai Pte. Ltd.

  • CEO & Founder:
    Pravin Chandrasekaran

URL: https://www.opalai.com/


AI-driven alpha and beta indices named 'AiLA' for Commodities, Carbon and related Asset Classes

Only 5% of commodities are listed on exchanges, and commodities pricing is heavily dependent on locations and quality grades. Hedging/Risk transfer is difficult because of illiquid markets. OPALai offers products to address such unmet market needs: OPALai’s “Vetri" is a systematic hedging technology aimed to beat the market standard benchmark prices, and it helps producer/consumer companies to achieve a better selling price or purchasing price. OPALai’s “Largo” is a systematic investing technology aimed to generate alpha for global asset managers and financial institutions. . OPALai has a global presence with offices in Singapore, New York, London, Tokyo and Sao Paulo.



OPALai was started in June 2017 by Pravin Chandrasekaran, a Harvard alumnus, who has two decades of experience in commodities derivates across seven countries, including roles at Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Rabobank, and ADM. The rest of the team comes from deep commodities, financial, & technical experience in UBS, BNP, Barclays, Shinshei bank, and CERN


OPALai uses an ensemble of statistical Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques by analyzing numerous features to model the term structure of assets. OPALai’s AiLATM offers thematic alpha generation Indices for Investors and Tracker Indices for Corporates covering industries and sectors such as Energy, Power, Metals and Agriculture. AiLA Indices has accumulated an AUM of $500M+ from Global Investment Banks, Corporates, Index Providers and ETF Issuers.

UTEC’s value add

As the lead institutional investor in OPALai, UTEC supports the company in financial strategy, and business development including facilitating their expansion to Japan by recruitment of professionals, and client partnerships with trading, financial and manufacturing corporations.
  • OPALai’s Product Offerings for Pricing, Hedging and Trading

  • AiLA Index (for Illustration purpose)