PURMX Therapeutics Co., Ltd.

  • President and CEO :
    Hidetoshi Tahara


Development of natural MicroRNA drugs to help patients with intractable diseases

PURMX is a Hiroshima University spin-out drug discovery company which
is developing revolutionary new drugs that kills cancer cells in a state of infinite growth due to the loss of senescence-inducing microRNAs by replenishing their natural microRNAs. There are no approved MicroRNA medicine and only a few MicroRNA products in clinical development globally. Our company is a global pioneer in this field and is currently conducting Phase I clinical trial for patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma at Hiroshima University. PURMX is preparing for global clinical trials, expanding its product to secondary disease, and developing a new systemic dosage form.



Prof. Hidetoshi Tahara of Hiroshima University has discovered the anti-tumor effect of microRNAs related to aging and has developed its own functional screening system for this kind of RNAs. He started a start-up company because he had reached the stage of clinical development of potent microRNAs.


Our MicroRNA medicines have the potential to overcome drug resistance, which is a challenge with existing anti-tumor drugs that target a single gene, because they target multiple genes relating to cancer growth.

UTEC’s value add

UTEC recognized the innovativeness of this technology from the early stages at Hiroshima University and has provided hands-on support for its commercialization, especially in its IP formulation and recruitment of management talent for drug development.
  • Anti-tumor therapy using senescence-associated microRNA